our work
Our company specializes in running digital lotteries without the need of complicated equipment and without wasting valuable time. Our lottery program allows the results to be viewed instantaneously on the web.
what we do
We offer several services to meet your needs. We prefer to run lotteries on-site where we can help communicate with audiences, handle complex situations and provide useful advice. We also help with electronically distributing lottery results. Additionally, we provide consulting services such as setting up database-driven acceptance forms. We use several different software programs we have designed to run school lotteries. We can also run the lottery online, live from our studios. Parents are able to long on and see the lottery at the scheduled time. We certify all results as an independent third-party lottery consulting firm.
quick points
• Reduces administrator's time and effort
• Ensures accuracy
• Provides instant printouts for distribution
• Allows viewing by a live audience
• Saves results to import into databases
• Demonstrates modernized methodologies
who we are
Company founder and software developer, Joseph Irvine first conceived of the idea of creating a digital lottery company as a student at Tempe Preparatory Academy. After attending a lottery where numbers were being pulled out of a hat by hand, he created a software program for their future admissions lotteries. After graduating, he attended Utah State University to complete an undergraduate degree.

Welcome to eduLottery!

Thank you for considering us as a provider for your digital lottery. Our software and services have been used successfully by 30+ charter schools—from New York City to Washington, D.C., to Phoenix and Los Angeles and many places in between. We invite you to contact us with your questions.

We perform admission lotteries online or on-site. We bring a wealth of knowledge and are industry leaders in performing efficient school admission lotteries, regardless of size. We use cutting edge technology we have developed to ensure that the process takes minutes instead of hours!


How it works: